The Canopic Case and Jars of Gua from the 12th Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom were used to preserve viscera during ancient Egyptian mummification.

In the heart of Rome, amidst the bustling streets and towering monuments, stands a testament to the city’s ancient origins: a bronze sculpture that encapsulates the mythological tale of Rome’s founding. This captivating artwork portrays a scene steeped in legend, depicting a she-wolf tenderly suckling the mythical twin founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus.

According to the timeless tale, the roots of Rome’s greatness trace back to the tumultuous events in Alba Longa, where King Numitor, the grandfather of the twins, reigned. Numitor’s rule was abruptly challenged by his treacherous brother, Amulius, who sought to seize power for himself. In a ruthless act of usurpation, Amulius deposed Numitor and condemned his infant nephews, Romulus and Remus, to a fate of perilous uncertainty.

Ordered by the usurper to be cast into the swift currents of the Tiber River, the helpless twins faced a dire predicament. Yet, fate intervened in the form of a compassionate she-wolf, whose maternal instincts stirred within her upon discovering the abandoned infants. With boundless tenderness, she took them under her protective wing, nurturing them amidst the rugged wilderness that bordered the riverbanks.

For countless moons, the she-wolf dutifully cared for Romulus and Remus, ensuring their survival in the face of adversity. It was through her unwavering devotion that the twins found refuge from the harsh elements and the perils of the wild. Yet, their destiny was not solely entwined with the nurturing embrace of the she-wolf.

Fortune smiled upon the twins once more when a humble herdsman named Faustulus chanced upon them during his daily rounds. Overwhelmed by compassion, Faustulus rescued the abandoned infants from the wilderness and brought them into his humble abode. With tender care and boundless love, he raised Romulus and Remus as his own, imparting upon them the wisdom and virtues of humility, resilience, and courage.

As the twins blossomed into young men under Faustulus’ guidance, their innate sense of destiny beckoned them towards greatness. United by a shared vision of glory and legacy, Romulus and Remus embarked on a journey that would alter the course of history. Together, they sought to fulfill their divine destiny by establishing a city that would stand as a beacon of civilization and power: Rome.

Thus, the bronze sculpture immortalizes not only the maternal love of the she-wolf but also the resilience and determination of Romulus and Remus, whose indomitable spirit laid the foundation for one of the greatest civilizations in history. Through the ages, it serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of myth and the timeless allure of Rome’s legendary origins.

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