Anubis: The Defender of Eternal Life

According to Josep Padró, emeritus professor of Egyptology at the University of Barcelona and president of the Catalan Society of Egyptology, the true essence of Anubis transcends the common misconception associated with death. Contrary to popular belief, Anubis is not a harbinger of doom; rather, he embodies the concept of life after death.

Padró elucidates, “Anubis is not death, but quite the opposite, he is a god of life.” In ancient Egyptian belief, Anubis served as the vigilant guardian of the deceased, guiding them through the perilous journey of the afterlife and facilitating their resurrection.

The role of Anubis extended beyond mere guardianship; he was intricately tied to the process of mummification, a sacred practice aimed at preserving the body for eternity.

As Padró explains, “Watch over the dead and helps them to resurrect.” Anubis’s association with mummification underscores his pivotal role in ensuring the preservation and eventual revival of the soul in the afterlife.

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