Dendera Temple: A Glimpse into Ancient Egypt’s Marvels

Dendera Temple
The magical history of Egypt still fascinates us… We entered one temple after another and got acquainted with the inexhaustible history of the ancestors, and we are still continuing in a series of articles about that never-drying river of knowledge and getting acquainted with the ancient civilization of Egypt with all its beauty, charm and passion to learn more… Today We are talking about one of the most important temples of ancient Egypt… The Dendera Temple, as it was built to worship the gods Hathor, the goddess of heaven, beauty, motherhood, and fertility… The temple was built at the end of the Ptolemaic era… specifically during the reign of King Ptolemy III BC.

The temple is located a few kilometers from the city of Qena on the other bank of the Nile, and the region was considered the main seat of the worship of the goddess Hathor.

The Dendera Temple is considered one of the greatest temples in Egypt, due to its preservation of its shape, features, and the inscriptions drawn on the walls, as well as its columns, which still retain their colors until now.

The temple contains a pillared hall with about 24 columns, and also contains a mihrab, with a map of the sky, stars, and constellations on which they relied for astronomy.

The sun perpendicular to the cabin of King Augustus in the Holy of Holies room twice a year inside the temple.
In the temple, there are about 32 narrow rooms built inside the walls, and they are called secret rooms, in which religious ritual tools were placed… and everything that is expensive and precious. There is an open mihrab in which ceremonies (the union with the disk of the sun) were held.

There is a front room surrounded by 12 small rooms and the Holy of Holies room..and it was dedicated to the king and the high priest to perform rituals of worship.

Finally, the discussion goes on about this great temple, but it was a brief overview of some of its information.

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