The Chilling Influence of El Niño: Revealing Child Sacrifice Rituals in the Chimú Civilization

The Chimú civilization, known for its sophisticated architecture, extensive agricultural systems, and intricate art, thrived on the northern coast of Peru from the 10th to the 15th century. This civilization, however, is also remembered for its dark rituals, notably child sacrifices, which were deeply intertwined with their response to the El Niño phenomenon. Understanding this connection provides a unique glimpse into how ancient cultures adapted to and interpreted extreme environmental changes.

Archaeologists excavate the burial of a sacrificed child at the site of Pampa la Cruz near the World Heritage site of Chan Chan in northern Peru.

Child Sacrifice Rituals as a Plea for Mercy

Archaeologists working in Peru have found what they say is the site of the largest known child sacrifice in the world. About 140 children and more than 200 animals, probably llamas, were killed in the middle of the 1400s. A civilization known as the Chimú sacrificed the children in response to catastrophic weather, the scientists suggest.

Victims of a desperate event, a child (left) and baby llama (right) were part of the sacrificial killing of more than 140 children and over 200 llamas on the north coast of Peru around A.D. 1450.

Another clue that points to a civilization in chaos was buried along with the bodies. Unusual mud layers and preserved footprints near the graves suggest the sacrifice followed heavy rainfall. This normally arid region may have been crippled by extreme, wet weather brought on by an El Niño system. Chimú leaders may have interpreted the inclement weather as punishment from the gods and planned a drastic sacrifice to quell their wrath.

Sunk into the mud more than 500 years ago, this footprint preserves the step of a sandaled adult who was there during the sacrifice ceremony at Huanchaquito

The children used in the sacrifice included both boys and girls and ranged in age from four to 14. They likely came from different regions and ethnic groups within the Chimú empire. Although it’s unknown if the children were volunteered or were forcefully taken, ancient Chimú culture probably saw children as the most valuable sacrifice that could be made to the gods. Llamas were also a high form of offering for the Chimú because they were valuable sources of transportation, fur and food.

The majority of the ritual victims were between 4 and 14 years old when they died.

Many children and llamas were found with visible cut marks across their sternums and ribs—presumably to rip out their hearts. The archeologists don’t know if the children were dead or alive when their hearts were taken, but they think the organs were used in a sacrificial ceremony.

The remains of three adults—a man and two women—were found in close proximity of the children and animals. Signs of blunt-force trauma to the head and a lack of grave goods with the adult bodies lead researchers to suspect that they may have played a role in the sacrifice event and were dispatched shortly thereafter.

Evidence for the ritual killings includes a skull stained with red cinnabar-based pigment, a human rib bone with cut marks, and a sternum severed in half. The Chimú civilization, flourishing from the 10th to 15th century along Peru’s northern coast, was centered at Chan Chan. This arid region required advanced irrigation to support agriculture. The Chimú society was highly centralized and stratified, with the king holding absolute power, supported by a ruling elite. Artisans, merchants, and laborers played crucial roles in the economy, which was tightly controlled by the state through a system of corvée labor.

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